SAB-VR Series

High Performance Data Storage and processing

One of the popular ways to provide high security in important public and private sectors (including banks, department stores and public transportation) is through proper use of a large network of IP cameras. Through 7x24 monitoring, and various video processing techniques, any events can be recorded and even threats can be predicted. However, existing equipment on the market are very expensive to deploy and maintain for recording video streams of many high-quality IP cameras, and the situation becomes even worse if real-time heavy image processing is required. In these existing methods, commonly multiple servers are dedicated for video processing and one or more SAN/NAS storage systems are dedicated for video recording, making it large, complex, and expensive solution.

 HPDS Corp has conducted research and development to address the customers’ demands for a lower cost, easier to manage, and at the same time, highly reliable video surveillance solution. The result is a new product, HPDS SAB-VR, that provides the ability to manage up to 200 Full HD cameras, record and keep videos for over 1-month, and even apply heavy real-time video processing, all in a single customized system.


SAB-VR Series
SAB-VR Series

SAB-VR Series advantages

  • Support for various video management software (VMS)
  • Support for graphics cards for heavy processing based on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Support for all major brands of IP cameras (depends on VMS of interest)
  • Monitoring, supervision and system management
  • Video archiving of 200 cameras for 1-month, expandable to 1-year
  • Reduced rack space requirement
  • High availability for recording and maintaining camera videos

Product features

Various Video Stream

Recoriding Encoding Support


Windows FileSystem Support

LUN Copy

LUN Migration and Synchronization


Linux-Base FileSystem Support


Data Tieirng betwen various disk levels

VMware advanced Integration

VMware advanced Integration

Quota Support

Managing User Spaces

RapidStore Cache

Two Layer Cache

Thin Provisioning

ٰVolume Thick/Thin Provisioning


Creating a Data Snapshot


LDAP and Kerberos Authentication Support

Cloud Backup

Cloud Backup as Upstream Tier


 synchronous block replication with other devices


Sending Monitoring Info via SNMP v2/3

Product Specifications

SAB-VR S9000 SAB-VR A8600/ A8700 SAB-VR A7700 Model
2000 1000 500 *Number of Cameras
4U, Rack-mount 4U, Rack-mount 2U, Rack-mount Form Factor
36  Drives 24/36 Drives  12 Drive Number of Drive
204 Drives 204 Drives 192 Drives Max Number of Drives Supported
480TB  384TB/480TB  192TB Base Chassis Capacity
2x E5 2680 V4 (16 Cores) 2x E5 2630 V4 (16 Cores) 2x E5 2630 V4  (10 Cores) System Processor
256GB/1TB 256GB/1TB 128GB/1TB System Memory
2x512GB SSD (RAID-1) Internal Storage (for OS)
12Gbs SAS/ 6Gbs SATA HDD 3.5”, SSD 2.5” , Hot Swappable Drive Type
60, 50, 10 (0+1),6, 5, 1, 0 RAID Levels
Windows 7,8,10,11 / WS 2016 / WS 2019 / Linux / Solaris OS Supported
HPDS UI  / SNMP / SMTP / IPMI / Syslog Management Tools
Email, SNMP, Syslog , LEDs Event Notification
* 2 Megapixel Camera & H.264 codec



SAB-DT Series

Suitable for backup solutions

Maintaining high capacity of data

SAB-HB Series

Suitable for virtualizations services

Proper reliability and performance

SAB-AF Series

Suitable for high transaction apps

Flash-base devices

SANGold-AF Series

Suitale for high availabilty needs

Wtih full HW and SW redundancy

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